Scatter chart widget

Path: Widget Gallery> Basic> Trends/Chart> Scatter Chart

A scatter chart is a type of diagram to display values for two variables from a set of data using Cartesian coordinates. The data is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on the vertical axis. For this reason it is often called XY graph

Main Parameter Description
Axes Counter Number of vertical (Y) axes.
Curves Counter Number of curves to draw
Stripes Counter The number of active strips.
Cursor Properties related to cursor enabling and its graphic style
Style Properties that allow you to customize the graphic style of the widget
Scatter Update Pause Curves update frequencies expressed in milliseconds.
Auto Scaling Properties to configure the automatic scaling feature.
Font Properties of the characters used in the graphic
X Axis
Y Axis 0
Y Axis 1
. . .
Properties to configure the style of the axes

Curve 0
Curve 1
Curve 2
. . .

Properties to configure the curves to be drawn
Stripe 0
Stripe 1
Stripe 2
. . .
Properties to add and configure the stripes on the charts
Cursor Parameter Description
Enable Enable/Disable the visualization of the cursor
Label Enable Enable the visualization of labels with the values of the curves intersected by the cursor
Position Position of the cursor in the view. Can be between 0 and 1 (the default value is 0.5)
The colors of the cursor
Labels Color The colors of the labels with the values of the curves intersected by the cursor.
Labels Width
Labels Height
Size of the labels with the value of the curves. The font size will be organized accordingly.
Style Parameter Description
Horizontal Grid Lines
Number of suggested horizontal grid lines. Chart widget tries to respect these number, but giving priority to the values shown on Y Axis which should be beautiful to read. This means integer values when it is possible or at worst with a single decimal digit.
Vertical Grid Lines Number of suggested vertical grid lines. Chart widget tries to respect these number, but giving priority to the values shown on X Axis which should be beautiful to read. This means integer values when it is possible or at worst with a single decimal digit.
Background Background color of the widget
Foreground Color of the text where is not explicitly defined (e.g. the unit of measure shown inside axes controls)
Axes Control Background Color Background color of the built-in axes control
Axes Control Shadow Color Shadow color of the built-in axes control
Chart Background Color Background color of the chart area
Toolbar Buttons Size Width and Height of the built-in toolbar buttons
Grid Values Width Width of vertical grids values (Y axes)
Grid Values Height Height of horizontal grid values (X axis)
Width of the axes buttons Width of the axes buttons
Axes Button Height Maximum height of the axes buttons
Toolbar Color Color used for toolbar icons and related items (like zoom rectangle)
Toolbar Enable Show/Hide the built-in toolbar (on the top)
Axes Control Enable Show/Hide the built-in axes control (on the left)
Auto Scaling Parameter Description
Auto Scaling Enable Enable or disable the auto-scale feature. Auto-scale ensures that the X axis maximum always take into account the most recent values of the curves.
Toolbar Button Visible Show or hide the auto-scale button on built-in toolbar.
Font Parameter Description
Font Font of the chart's strings
Font Maximum Pixel Size Maximum pixel size. The chart adapts the font size based on available space
Font Style Font style
Font Bold Set the font bold
Axis Parameter Description
Minimum Axis minimum value
Maximum Axis maximum value
Color Axis color
Unit of measure It is a label associated with the axis/curve
Show Unit Of Measure On Axis Show unit of measure in the built-in axes control
Show Unit Of Measure On Grid Show unit of measure in the grid values
Show Unit Of Measure On Cursor Show unit of measure in the cursor labels (not available for X axis)
Curve Parameter Description
Scatter Curve Type

Defines how the curve is updated :

    curve is updated continuously
    curve is updated only one time or with a specific action (see "ChartCommand").
Scatter Tag X X array tag to use for the X axis
Scatter Tag Y

Y array tag to use for the Y axis.

The Y array size must be smaller than (or equal to) the X array size

Axis Select the axis associated with the curve
Custom Color Enable Enable or disable the curve custom color selection. If disabled the color used for the curve is the same as the associated axis.

Curve style, can be:

  • DASH
  • DOT
Line Width Curve width in pixels. The maximum width is 5 pixels
Visible Show/Hide the curve


Stripe Parameter Description

Associated axis:

  • AXIS_X = Vertical stripe
  • AXIS_Yn = Horizontal stripe
Custom Color Enable Enable or disable the stripe custom color selection. If disabled the color used for the stripe is the same as the associated axis.
Start Value Stripe start value
End Value Stripe end value
Built-in axes control

The Built-in axes control can be shown/hide from the "Axes Control Enable" property available inside the "Style Parameter" section.

The built-in axes control has a button for each defined axes. The first one on the top is related to X axis and the others with the defined Y axes.

Each button is managing the OnMouseClick and the OnMOuseHold events:

Built-in toolbar

The Built-in toolbar can be shown/hide from the "Toolbar Enable" property available inside the "Style Parameter" section.

Toolbar Element Description
Activate the moving of the graphic through gesture commands

Activate the zoom mode through gesture commands
Activate the moving of the cursor through gesture commands

Opens the X axis control pane
Zoom In the graphic
Zoom Out the graphic
Reset the graphic view
ChartCommand action

The same commands available from the Built-in toolbar are available through the actions (see "ChartCommand")